Wednesday, April 3, 2013

iPhone 5S rumors

Here are the most popular rumors about iPhone 5S:

1) Steve Jobs Designed the iPhone 5S

There’s a rumor going around that says the iPhone 5S is the last phone that Steve Jobs weighed in on. This could be true, because no one is really expecting a design change from the iPhone 5, and it doesn’t surprise anyone that Jobs likely had a say in the design of the most recent iPhone.

2) iPhone 5S to Feature Faster Processor

When Apple updates its iPhone a year later, they slap an S to the name, and that S stands for speed. The rumor is that Apple will announce its new A7 chip, which would make it faster than the processor in the latest-generation iPad (A6X)

3) The iPhone 5S to Feature 13-Megapixel Camera

Samsung set the bar when it comes to the smartphone cameras. The new S4 will feature a 13-megapixel camera, and I wouldn’t put it past camera to match or beat that spec.

4) iOS 7 coming out with iPhone 5S

Will Apple release the next-generation operating system alongside the iPhone 5S? Perhaps. They’ve done it before, and it wouldn’t be surprising if they did it again.

Courtesy of TECH.BLORGE

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